Saturday, March 28, 2009


This is our aim for the next few rehearsals : Get actions synchronised, no interruption
Suggestions : For every rehearsal, 1 min preparation before starting
15 mins of script reading
1 hour rounds of rehearsal and commenting
45 mins of rehearsal with no interruption

Timetable (IMPORTANT)
31st March : DV Submission
9th March : Group pieces show week 3
16th March : Tech run week 4
21st April : Submission of group blog Week 5
23rd April : Full dress rehearsal
30th April : Group presentation week 6

Things we need to get!!
Music (heart beat sound, background noises) : Rui Shan
Props (loudhaler, pipe, clipboards, form, pointers) : Mangay
Costumes: Rachel
Make up : Melissa

Things needed for setting :
3 tables, 2 chairs, 2 roller chairs, 1 red sofa (messed up)

Costumes, props and music are due on Monday!

Alright that's all, keep practising everybody!!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

the StRoBeLiGHts( lol boo) effects were nicer and less complicated than the intial idea and it would come off more awesomly with the heartbeat. I also think its better to practice in the BBX because we can actually see the audience and direct our speech to them as we planned to do. Also we got more solid lightings, thanks to Boo. We mangaged to remember what the seniors said about shadws on the face and used the floodlights.

About the examiners: we incorporated more movements for them. Since Ruishan and Melissa are DANCERS(woah dude) the effect was achieved very beautifully. Our energy was off the chart and insync so props to all cause today was the best! Boo could see us better in this session so she could also critique better. Other group people were also spying(just kidding you know we love you) so their comments were very helpful.

For the first time i didn't forget as many lines cause i firgot my lines alot during the holiday so i made extra effort not to forget so i wouldn't drag down the team(phew long sentence). I also think i felt more in character than ever,i was more desperate,frustrated etc.

STARTLING REVELATION: Me and Melissa were actually doing Brechtian excersices! While waiting for the rest we practiced lines so we did the other's parts, did them in weird accents and also did them slo-mo sometimes. We were just having fun but parodying the characters helped us actualy realise more how the actual charaters would sound and also what bordered overacting.

Scratched onscreen *cough cough* by:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Venue: Bbox
Time: 1pm-3pm

Hey peopleee I'm here to blog about today! :D I think we're more or less productive today. We had about 3 runs for the play and we tried out more actions and lightings. We also added in more props! I think it looks and feels better watching today's rehearsal :D

Firstly, we tried out different lightings for different effects. We figured out what's giving us the shadows so we used the floodlights and switched off the light (41) behind. We included the shocklight (is that what you call it?) in the beginning too! It's an effect to show what Johnson went through.

*** Anyway, what happened to what we planned at first? We wanted the spotlight getting-from-small-to-big effect and also having the sound of heartbeat right! Can we improvise from the first idea (before we came to use the bbox one day...) into our current idea? I think it'll work out better with sounds! ***

Secondly, we added many actions to the two examiners! We added actions like on the rolling chairs, doing more similar actions and having more expressions. I think it turned out just nice! It seems more interesting and not as boring as the previous one where you two really had a long script going on and on. However, I feel that there's still the lack of climax! HOW? We need to solve it! >:(

Thirdly, we got the sofa into the set today. It looks much better. Somehow :D

Here's are the VIDEOS! Enjoy! :D

Shocklight fun part 1.

Shocklight fun Mangay solo part.

Shocklight fun part 2.
That's when we know how cool shocklight is! It inspired us :D

Our rehearsal :D

Saturday, March 21, 2009

General costume design (sry so late then post!)
This is for the 2 examiners.

This is for the clerk. Haha, a picture to show you guys how it really looks like.

19th MARCH 2009, THURSDAY :D
Our group met up at school today!
Venue: Cafe
Time: 2pm

(Sorry for poor shooting skills! Bad quality for sound!)

After a while...

Then we decided to move to the area outside the Bbox so we can grab some chairs from the Bbox as props. When we went into the Bbox, no one was using it. So we asked the seniors who were sitting outside if we could use it! And they said YES :D Lucky us! So we went in... We tried to picture and arrange the props like how we'll do it on that day itself. But it was just a very rough idea. We even went on to try out the LIGHTS. It was really cool :) We managed to get some lightings done too.

(Sorry for bad view! Can't hear clearly too!)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hey guys, I went online to search on the play, and I found some comments by some random person, on Johnson Over Jordan featuring Patrick Stewart. I thought these ideas of the costumes, music, setting and lightings may give us even more ideas.. Bolded words are the points that I think we should take note! :)

"When I ignored the contemporary allusions and put myself in 1939 the play made more sense. It also made Stewart's appearance appropriate. With old fashioned stripped pyjamas, a greying moustache (real), a few extra strands of long white hair stuck, Bobby Charlton style, across the top of his bald head and a timid manner, Johnson looked much older than any current day 50 year old. However, for someone living in the thirties, who had survived the First World War, Johnson's appearance was believable. Stewart also managed to maintain the movements of an ageing man throughout the play even when climbing onto bar-tops and performing mock fights. The only time he deliberately dropped this act was in the first act. After Johnson dies at the start of the play he goes to the Insurance Company to claim his money. There two female examiners grill him to see if he has caused his own death by self-neglect.
JOHNSON : I've always enjoyed taking exercise. Tennis and golf -
EXAMINER : (Severely) Too many middle-aged men, sedentary workers, imagine they can improve their physical condition by rushing into games at the weekend and only succeed in straining their hearts.
(this part is removed from our script)
JOHNSON : (Desperately) I've tried not to overdo it and every morning, if I wasn't too late, I did a few exercises in my bedroom -
At this point the EXAMINER looks shocked as she along, with the audience, think he means sex. To explain Johnson/Stewart starts doing jack jumps like a fit 20 year old and then press-ups before reverting to old man mode and slowly collapsing onto the floor. It was a bit of slapstick but beautifully done and deserved the laughter it received.
When the audience is allowed into the theatre, 15 minutes before the start, Stewart is already on the stage lying on top of a bed in pyjamas with his feet towards the audience. He lies on his back perfectly still with his eyes closed and his hands by his sides. This part of the stage projected into the space left by the curved arrangement of the seats, At the back of the stage on a white brick wall is a projection of a recording of Stewart's head as he lies on his back. This Stewart twitches occasionally and makes loud breathing noises. 15 minutes is a long time to lie still and I couldn't help wondering what Patrick thought about during these periods - rehearsed his lines, dozed, listened to the people in the front rows. Five minutes before the play started a woman climbed onto the stage and moved hesitantly towards him. I thought she was a member of the audience who was worried whether Patrick was all right. She turned out to be the actress playing his wife! Full marks for realism.
On either side of the front part of the stage and below the height of the front row of seats were two grand pianos. During some scenes in the play there was a musical accompaniment. The music wasn't memorable and I was only aware of it being intrusively loud on one occasion. Given the complex and fast movements required by the 10 actors during many scenes the music probably helped them to get their timing right. This frantic movement was one of the irritating aspects of the play. That and gimmicks such as actors appearing by punching their way through the foam brick wall at the back of the stage."

by Catherine Ellis


Signing off,
Sleepy Rui Shan :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

General costume and prop ideas

Clerk: OFFICE WEAR TYPE OF CLOTHING( but somehow,it will make you do a double take)
  • Glasses with chain attached (granny type ones)
  • Garish Purple green dress
  • Fluffy bedroomslippers
Johnson: Hospital-esque Garb (think nursing home)

  • Patient wristag
  • No shoes
  • Pyjamas wih pants and pockets

Examiner: Funky duds and cool stitches(..yo)

  • Suspenders attached to shorts
  • Long stripped socks
  • bright shirt
  • cute Faux ballet shoes
  • two little pigtails (each)

Rachel will elaborate more. She has the more detailed description and drawings.


  • pointer
  • pipe(the kind for smoking)
  • clipboard
  • loudhailer
  • "NO SMOKING" sign
  • Party stuff (hats balloons creeper paper)
  • chairs (number unknown)
  • Tables(number unknown)

Not finalised yet but things may be added and taken of the list

Scratched onscreen by:

Mangay! (Meeting: 9th of March 2009, 9.30am to 11am)

Directorial Vision


To impact audience so that they will reminded cherish the people around them and to live their lives with meaning, especially directed at adults who do not really communicate and have real relationships with people. We want them to question if they have lived/ are living their lives with meaning. We want to incorporate Brecht’s Vision of showing the audience that they had alternative means to living their lives, instead of plodding along their given circumstances or resigned “fates”.

Our group seeks to bring the audience out of the real world and into the make them realise what IS real (to put them in a coolly reflective situation where they see they have alternative choices to they way they live) [Brecht]

How:This is a achieved through the "weird" (Unnatural) settings and costumes. The way the Examiners conduct their interrogation: Their speech and way of questioning is indirectly directed at the Audience, through eye contact with the audience and distance between the actors and those watching.

The setting is like this: Tables and chairs upturned and placed all over with a red sofa in the middle. The chair is placed centrally and perfectly straight. It is the main area of the interrogation and of the audiences focus. Its significance: Just like how all the other chairs and table are insignificant so is everything else in life other than the issues being dealt with in the examination. The red colour of the sofa also brings added attention to it and signifies special nature of it, apart from the rest of the furniture.

The identical nature of the examiners shown through the synchronisation of actions and doppelganger dressing is to show their unifying voice of question. Although they may be portrayed as two characters, their purpose is one (to show the actions and life choices of Johnson and the alternatives he could have chosen).

New DV! New nicknames: Booger Manly Mellow Rayshine (medicine does weird things to you)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Meeting - 4 March 2009, 1.30pm

Director's Style

1. Bertolt's Brecht - Awkward stage setting

- Opening scene of clerk and secretaries in office:
overturned tables (preferably dark/black colours)

- Interrogation scene:
We want to show a very different view of an interrogation scene
(NOT strong white lights shining on Johnson and NOT a bare empty room).
Idea of "Party is Over" setting - Colourful background, messy, with party balloons and bottles of beers etc. - This symbolises "End of Life, Party over".

More to be discussed on Friday 6 March 2009

- Involvement of Audience:
Audience as the "dead people", like Johnson, waiting for their turn for interrogation (Not confirmed)

More to be discussed and decided on Friday 6 March 2009

2. Antonin Artaud - Exaggeration
- Unusual/weird examiners:
Unique gestures and exaggerated costumes, unexpected moves and sudden emphasis during conversation/interrogation

More to be discussed on Friday 6 March 2009


Clerk - Rachel
Robert Johnson - Mangay
First Examiner - Melissa
Second Examiner - Rui Shan

Sound and Lighting Effects

1. Start of the play/show
- Heartbeat sound effects, along with throbbing lights (Red/Blue/Yellow/Green)
- Throbbing lights suddenly stops at white light, shining on the centre stage.

2. Between lines 3-4: "He opens the nearest door, and we hear the clatter of a very large office - typewriters, adding machines, ringing of bells, etc. But now Jognson really loses his temper."
- Sound effects of people talking, phones ringing, busy footsteps, typewriting/keyboard, scribbling
- Sound effects gradually soften down when Johnson speaks in line 4.

3. Between lines 32-33
- Shadow effects using strong lights to shine on puppets, forming human sized shadows on background screen, to give effect of "ballet of clerks and secretaries comes rushing in, making strange shadows"
- Throbbing lights come in again "but now the light change, ballet of clerks and secretaries comes rushing in, making strange shadows", then sudden stop a white light on desk - " brilliant white lights pour down on the desk again".

Schedule of Meetings and Rehearsals
Monday: 0930 - 1100 (Meeting)
Tuesday: 1630 - 1800 (Rehearsal)
Friday: 1330 - 1500 (Tentative)

P/S: Please read the script again and again and know your lines asap! Do your Best!
P/P/S: It's Isaac's Birthday tmr! :D

Signing off,
Rui Shan