Thursday, April 2, 2009


Alright guys! Because Mangay is leaving us, we'll be having the following changes in our play that we've decided on in today's group meeting:

1. Main Character will be taken over by Rachel.
2. Play will start straight from the interrogation scene by the two Examiners, Rui Shan and Melissa.
3. Voice to be recorded and played when Johnson wakes up and find himself in the interrogation room, informing Johnson: "Welcome to the Central offices of the Universal Asurance and Globe Loan and Finance Coporation. Where you get your money. Please fill in your form properly and concentrate. Our examiners will be here in a moment for the usual preliminary questions. Please take a good look at your form. Thank you." (to take over the Clerk's role in introducing the venue and event of the play.
(tentative) - When Johnson takes out his pipe to smoke, voice play: "No smoking in the office before five-fifteen."
4. Changes in the gender of Johnson - Robert Johnson is now known as Rebecca Johnson. Hence there will be changes to the "him"s and etc. in the script.

Our costumes and props are more or less ready and placed in the BBox already. Right now we just have to just find Rachel her plain pyjamas, the pipe and the clipboards (pipe not confirmed yet).

Showcase will be next thursday, 9 April. We are hoping to get at least 2 slots before next thursday in the BBox for rehearsal as there are many changes to our play. Hence, definitely even more practice is required. Bookings of the BBox will be confirmed by the end of this week.

As Miss Norzian is more particular about our body movements and physical attributes in this assessment, we would stick to simple lightings and sounds, putting more focus in our acting skills. Also, in order to familiarize with the actual setting, we would make use of the showcase to try out with the entire feel of costumes and props to be able to improve the play for the final assessment. There will also be more for audience to comment for improvement of the play.

JOJ wishes Mangay all the best in Sinapore Poly! :)

signing off,
Rui Shan


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